Summer is a distant memory and if you are like myself and are unlikely to catch any rays until Easter, ( I know what a dismal thought) then you'll be back to applying tan, then tan detox, then apply tan, tan detox and so on.
I love a little glow throughout the winter it hides my blue/greyish Celtic skin tone, so here are some tips on how to achieve the perfect tan, more like a little sun kissed rather than looking like you've rolled around in a bag of Doritos.
1. Thou shall always choose a tan that suits your skin tone
It's winter, so less is more. Try to stick to gradual tan or a tanning gel, which will leave a more subtle tone.
2. Thou shall not ever Ever tan without a mitt
Yes a mitt, not an ex foliation glove, sounds so obvious but, A friend of mine made this ludicrous tanning error. The mitt will Not only enhance the results and leave you streak free but it you will save your palms form the dreaded orange look.
3. Thou shall not leave any area untouched
It doesn't matter if you go over an area a few times as it won 't go patchy, but leave an area without tan then expect to have the streaky bacon effect.
4. Thou shall always put moisturiser on hands and feet and then apply tan
I know this sounds a little daunting but, moisturising the skin on the hands and feet directly before applying tan might look messy initially - the next morning when you wash it off you will have the perfectly blended tan
5. Thou shall never leave tan on longer than the recommended development time
I just don't get it when girls insist on leaving their tan on till the next day, believing that it will get darker well it doesn't make the tan any darker, it just makes you look dirtier for longer. If you want to have a darker tan then do another application the following day... Simples
6. Thou shall not shave the day of your tan
This will leave you with with a nasty rash and when your tan develops it will look like your covered in tiny black dots... Not a good look
7. Do moisture daily to make your tan last
This will ensure your tan lasts and also it will prevent you from looking like you have leprosy on the third day.
8. Thou shall never spray deodorant or perfume on a tanned area
The alcohol in the perfume & deodorant will make the tan turn green and a green neck or pits is not very attractive.
9. Do rub ice cubes over your face to seal your pores before face tanning.
A personal favourite for myself as I've saucer-like pores, if I apply tan straight to my face it looks like I have a mass of blackheads the next day. So rubbing an ice cube over my face and then putting a little moisturiser on before I apply the tan leaves me with a authentic looking tan.
10. Exfoilate, Exfoilate and Exfoilate some more
Exfoliation is the keys to a flawless tan, it's all in the prep work. Removing the dead skin will leave you with fresh, soft, smooth skin. The tan will glide on better and therefore develop more evenly.
Here are some of my favourite lighter tans